Technology advancements has brought stunning innovations in every field of life. Today, every aspect of a human’s life is greatly affected by recent technological advancements. Medical, medicine and healthcare are no exception. We witness the introduction of newer and newer medicines and cures to the diseases. Sixty-two years ago, the first baby conceived using frozen sperm, was born. Since then numerous advances in fertility science has granted a number of ways to prospective parents.
In old times, infertile people and women with any genetic disease ere considered to be unable to have their own children. But with the advancements in the field of IT and consequent advancements in reproductive biology and reproductive clinical endocrinology has solved the problem of infertility to a great extent. These advancements has made the infertility treatment to be easily accessible and less costly. Advancements in the reproductive medicine have made possible what once seemed impossible.
These recent advancements are offering hope for the couples individual to become parents. A technique known as In Vitro Maturation (IMV), takes immature eggs from woman and grows in a lab. When they get mature, thy are fertilized and implanted. This procedure has helped the older women and the women with certain ovarian disorder, have children. But this method is still expensive and is not much accessible. Techniques such as embryonic chromosomal screening and cell division monitoring are improving IVF success rates.
The birth of babies by frozen sperms, eggs and embryos is a huge breakthrough in the reproductive medicine. As stated above, the first baby conceived using frozen sperm is sixty-two years ago. After few decades, there was a birth from frozen egg and two years after this this first birth from frozen embryo took place. The women, who want to pursue their professional or educational career, can froze eggs and embryos and later they can have babies, when they are ready. People can also donate eggs, sperm and embryos to help those unable to conceive.
Today, with recent advancements in reproductive medicine it has become possible to transplant a womb to make pregnancy possible. Swedish doctors have successfully done various uterus transplants in women and there are quite a few of them who have become able to carry pregnancy in the transplanted womb. In future, may be it become possible to implant a womb in a transgender woman enabling her to become pregnant and have children.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) entails injecting a single sperm directly into an egg to achieve fertilization. The procedure is most commonly used to overcome male infertility problems. A number of issues can contribute to male infertility, including abnormal sperm production, motility, blockage of sperm delivery or low sperm production. But with the help of ICSI, this problem has overcame and today, a couple with infertility problem in male can have children, too.