Latest IT Advancements

Information technology is the most rapidly evolving field of science, nowadays. In the past few decades, there were major breakthroughs in IT field and these developments are not stopped. In fact, today, we are seeing more and more advancements in the field of IT, each day. The IT revolution drives the extraordinarily rapid decline in the cost and rapid increase in the processing power of digital technologies. Here we are going to discuss some latest IT advancements, briefly;
Fiber optics is one of the amazing outcome of technology advancements.

Fiber optics uses flashes of light to carry information from one spot to another, and speeds can be quite impressive. Fiber optics technology enables data, including voices captured in digital form, to be converted into tiny pulses of light and then transmitted at high speeds through glass fibers wrapped into large capacity telecommunication cables. Through this technology, today, we are using much faster internet as compared to previous decade.

Another latest IT advancement which is greatly benefiting people and their businesses, today, is the intelligent business computing. Business intelligence comprises the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis of business information. Intelligent business computing can be used by enterprises to support a wide range of business decisions ranging from operational to strategic.
Intelligent control and automation (ICA) is another technology recently introduced with the help of IT advancements. Intelligent control is a class of control techniques that use various artificial intelligence computing approaches and automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimum human assistance. Intelligent control can be divided into the following major sub-domains:

(1)    Neural Network Control
(2)    Machine Learning control
(3)    Bayesian Control
(4)    Fuzzy Control
(5)    Genetic Control
(6)    Cognitive/Conscious Control
Automation covers applications ranging from a household thermostat controlling a boiler, to a large industrial control system with tens of thousands of input measurements and output control signals.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) focuses on getting machines to do things that we would call intelligent behavior. A typical AI perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Many AI algorithms are capable of learning from data; they can enhance themselves by learning new strategies or can themselves write other algorithms. The overall research goal of artificial intelligence is to create technology that allows computers and machines to function in an intelligent manner. The traits problem solving, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, motion and manipulation, social intelligence and general intelligence in AI have received the most attention.

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