Space IT Advancements
Space exploration or space science is quite a new field. Information technology advancements in this field has opened new paths to explore the outer space. A tremendous amount of new discoveries has become possible with the advancements in information technology, in recent decades. We have more detailed and more accurate knowledge of outer space nowadays as compared to the old times.
Space technology includes spacecraft, satellites, space stations and support infrastructure, equipment and procedures. Everyday technologies such as weather forecasting, remote sensing, GPS system, satellite television and many long distance communication systems critically rely on space infrastructure. Space is such an alien environment that attempting to work in it requires new techniques and knowledge. Here some of the space IT advancements are briefly described.
A space craft is used for multiple purposes such as communication, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, space colonization, planetary exploration and transportation of humans and cargo. We have become able launch more technologically developed spacecraft
nowadays as compared to last century. In 21st century, NASA, SpaceX and Russian and Chinese space agencies has launched their spacecraft with the aid of recent developments in the field of IT.
Satellites are usually semi-independent computer controlled systems. They are used to make star maps and maps to planetary surfaces and take pictures of planet they are launched to. With space IT advancements we now have many satellites are orbiting earth such as earth observation satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, weather satellites and space telescopes. According to the index of Objects Launched into Outer Space maintained by the United Nation Office for Outer Space affairs (UNOOSA), there are 4,857 satellites currently orbiting the planet, an increase of 4.79% compared to the last year.
A space station is a spacecraft capable of supporting crew members, which is designed to remain in space for an extended period of time and for other spacecraft to dock. Today’s space stations are research platforms, used to study the effects of long-term space flight on the human body as well as to provide platforms to greater number and length of scientific studies than available on other space vehicles. ISS and Tiangong are two space stations currently orbiting earth.
Advancements in space information technology field has benefited us greatly in our daily life.
Many inventions would have been impossible without space IT advancements like smart phones, scratch resistant lenses, CAT scanners, etc. The communication satellites has made it possible to have contact to the people living other side of the globe through our smart devices. Weather satellites keeps us updated about weather and hence made us possible to avoid some natural disasters. Through navigation satellites we can navigate the course of ship, aircraft, or other form of transport.
To conclude, advancements in space technology is inevitable for the progress of mankind. All developed countries in the world are investing hugely in space technology.